function shareLink(){
strItem = $("#cartid").val() + "^" + getOptions() + getFields();
strID = $('#cartid').val().replace('-','');
return "https://" + strID + ".americommerce.com/" + encodeURIComponent(strItem);
function genCode (){
if (validate()){
cartId = $("#cartid").val();
strItem = cartId + "^" + getOptions() + getFields();
codeType = $("input[name=buttontype]:checked").val();
case "graphic":
buttonVal = $("#buttonimgurl").val();
strCode = "<form action=\"http://www.cartserver.com/sc/cart.cgi\" method=\"post\">
" +
"<input name=\"item\" value=\"" + fixQuotes(strItem) +"\" type=\"hidden\">
" + strQtyBox +
"<input name=\"add\" src=\"" + fixQuotes(buttonVal) + "\" type=\"image\">
//strPreview = '';
htmlCode = "
-You cannot use both \"Free Shipping\" and \"Additional Ship Cost\"
" valid = false; } if($("#modss").is(":checked") && $("#modas").is(":checked")){ strError += "-You cannot use both \"Substitute Ship Cost\" and \"Additional Ship Cost\"
" valid = false; } if (!valid) { strError = "Please Make the Corrections below and try again:
" + strError; $("#errorMsg").html(strError); $("#errorMsg").slideDown(); $(".close").click( function() { $(this).parent().slideUp(); }) $("#code").slideUp(); } else $("#errorMsg").slideUp(); return valid; } function resetFields() { $("input[type=text]").val("") $("input[type=checkbox]").removeAttr("checked") }