Base Theme. For Building Custom Responsive Sites on AmeriCommerce.

Hello web designers and front-end developers!

With love, care and great appreciation for beautiful sites, we present to you a fully vetted, responsive, and customizable starter theme for all your custom ecommerce design needs.  We call it Base, AmeriCommerce’s very own foundational ecommerce theme using the Bootstrap framework. 

Base is the de facto starter theme for custom ecommerce sites. 

Base is a huge time saver for custom designing an AmeriCommerce site or theme. With Base, you get a complete toolset, 100% table-less layouts and complete control over the look and feel for all pages in our ecommerce app.

Base includes AmeriCommerce templates and widgets for product display, category pages, menus, shopping cart, checkout, blogs and other commonly customized aspects of an ecommerce site.

Because Base uses the Bootsrap3 Framework (explained more below), you’re given a vast library of options and a powerful set of CSS and JavaScript files, uniform and consistent markup that’s well documented along with pre-made widgets and responsive grid layouts for building out spectacularly clean and responsive AmeriCommerce sites that are mobile and tablet friendly.  We’re talking hundreds of hours saved for a solid foundation to work from. Plus…

We use Base too.

Our world-class dev team built Base to facilitate our own in-house needs for a mega-robust foundational starter theme to build upon when creating all our Rev Themes and to better fulfill the ongoing demands we receive for more than 100+ custom ecommerce sites we build each year.

We’ve open-sourced Base and made it available to all AmeriCommerce customers and designers in order to provide a completely customizable and reliable theme framework. 

Base Features at a Glance

While any store owner can make Base their store theme for their AmeriCommerce store site, it was specifically created by our front-end dev team to be a foundational theme to build out custom designs from – and that’s what we recommend it be used for. 

Here are all the key highlights of Base and what’s included right from the start:

Uses Bootstrap Framework and all the Bootstrap 3 bells and whistles.

Bootstrap looks and behaves great in the latest desktop browsers (as well as IE7!) as well as tablets and smartphone browsers via responsive CSS.  The framework is well documented and is perhaps the most popular front-end development framework for professionally designed sites.

  • Mobile first, 12-column responsive grid, fluid and fixed grids and more
  • Powerful CSS tools, element styling, buttons, typography, and more.
  • Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, navigation, alerts, popovers, and much more.
  • Over a dozen custom jQuery plugins for things like transitions, modals, dropdowns, carousels, and more.  Easily include them all, or one by one.

AmeriCommerce specific widgets and customizations

  • Rev Theme using all the features of the Rev Theme Engine within AmeriCommerce with base styling touches on all of the 50+ pages available to customize in the app.
  • Menu widget supports complete customization and drop downs with advanced drop down views for the menu based login, cart, and search areas.
  • Multiple layouts for product page and category page
  • Quick view modal on homepage product listing, category page listings and write review
  • Additional control over individual page layouts with body classes by page and merge codes that support the use of body classes.
  • Full customization of product page areas for product images, product thumbnails, product thumbnail sliders, and product description tabs.
  • Customizable full cart preview in simple navigation menu drop down.
  • Fully Customizable one page checkout with an optimized default layout including sticky order summary box.
  • Viewport optimized layouts on home page, category page and cart page for mobile and tablet experiences.
  • Useful Elements Page to see all common type and presentation areas.
  • Rich snippets included by default by using code snippets on the product page, reviews page, blog roll and blog post page.

Designers on earlier versions of AmeriCommerce and v2 themes will see big changes that include:

  • More customization features and controls in Rev Themes and the Rev Theme Engine.
  • Completely table-less layout for product page (with exception to the variant matrix grid).
  • Completely customizable One Page Checkout page with more merge codes to provide total customization capabilities.
  • Addition of quick view modals for product listings and full cart dropdown in navigation
  • Easily able to re-skin thanks to Bootstrap framework, as illustrated in the Déjà vu theme with its 10+ color options.

Demo Base Theme & Other Themes Built with Base

Take Base for a test drive and see how we've created other Rev Themes using Base as the foundation theme.

Deja Vu is built off Base and shows its versatility by using Bootswatch a collection of 10+ open source bootstrap themes.

Demo Deja Vu Now

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