Top integrations we recommend for your online store

Integrations, App Add-Ons, Third Party Apps, B2B Commerce Platform Integrations

Customizing a B2B commerce platform is a lot like kitting out a car. There are a lot of after-market parts that you can use to change the way it runs. B2B commerce platforms refer to these components as integrations, apps, or add-ons. Like after-market parts, there are so many to choose from that it can get rather overwhelming.

That’s why we’ve assembled a quick list of integrations that you can try applying to your own store. These are just third-party add-ons that we’ve found work very well with the AmeriCommerce by platform, and that many of our users install or connect to. You have the complete freedom to ignore this list and find your own.

Ready? Let’s go!

ShipperHQ, App Integration, ShipperHQ Homepage

Shipping: ShipperHQ

Free Trial: 15 days
Pricing: Ask rep

ShipperHQ is a third-party integration that helps you personalize shipping rates and options for customers. They integrate with over 50 carriers worldwide, which allows customers to see real-time shipping rates based on geographic zones. Their dimensional shipping calculation capabilities matching your fulfillment box sizes are considered best in class.

Key features include:

  • Custom and real-time shipping rates
  • Add special discounts and promotions, including free shipping
  • Table rates, flat rate shipping, and dimensional weight-based shipping costs
  • Shipping rules/restrictions for specific carriers
  • Automated shipping calculations
  • Cutoff times, lead times, blackout dates, and max time-in-transit
  • Address validation

Users generally appreciate how easy it is to set up and configure, although you may need help from their CS rep for more complex shipping requirements like table rates, fuel surcharges, and the like. You can learn more about the ShipperHQ integration with AmeriCommerce by here.

Nuvei, App Integration, Nuvei Homepage

Payments: Nuvei

Free Trial: No
Pricing: Ask rep

Nuvei is an online payment processor that many AmeriCommerce by customers use to process transactions in their stores. Nuvei’s primary advantage (at least for us) is the sheer number of credit cards and payment options that it allows, including all major credit cards, debit cards, and eWallets.

Nuvei also provides special payment pages that can be customized to boost conversions and match your website’s look and feel.

Other features include:

  • Fast payment gateway setup
  • Localized payment methods, language, and currency
  • Decline recovery
  • One-click payments
  • Analytics and reporting

While plenty of Nuvei customers appreciate how easy and seamless it is to set up and integrate, many customers call out their excellent customer support. Based on reviews, the Nuvei CS team seems very responsive and professional when it comes to assisting clients. You can learn more about the Nuvei integration with our B2B platform here.

Zapier, App Integration, Zapier Homepage

Automations: Zapier

Free Trial: 14 days
Pricing: Free Plan to Enterprise Plan

Zapier makes it possible to connect your store with practically any other app on the internet. It’s an incredibly powerful tool that allows some clever and critical functionality that would normally take IT staff to build in-house. Its no-code interface lets you build connections without any programming background whatsoever (although it helps).

One basic example would be to set up a “zap” that sends you a notification every time an order is placed. You can even build some logic to it. Let’s say the customer makes a big order. You can build a zap to send the customer an appreciation email every time they order products over a certain quantity or dollar value. 

Zapier can be incredibly useful, limited only by the apps in the library and the functions each app allows. We suggest you review their library of 6000+ apps first and see if the software tools you use are available, and what kind of functions are allowed. You can also learn more about the Zapier integration with our B2B commerce platform here.

Avalara, App Integration, Avalara Homepage

Taxes: Avalara

Free Trial: No
Pricing: Ask rep

One cannot expect to know every tax rule for every region for every customer. That’s why services like Avalara exist to help calculate the appropriate taxes for you. Avalara is a tax compliance software that automates tax compliance and can help improve accuracy of calculated sales tax rates.

In addition to calculating rates per transaction, Avalara can:

  • Keep up with rate changes for every region
  • Track tax obligations for every state
  • Simplify sales tax registration
  • Automatically apply tax exemptions at checkout
  • Manage certifications

Avalara receives praise from many users for its ability to simplify tax compliance and how well it integrates with a variety of software programs and platforms (including AmeriCommerce by Learn more about the Avalara integration with our platform here.

Pipe17, Integrations, Pipe17 Homepage

ERP: Pipe17

Free Trial: No, but can book a demo
Pricing: Ask sales

Pipe17 is a fully-automated order hub that eliminates manual, error-prone order processes that delay orders and impact customer satisfaction. We’ve seen quite a few AmeriCommerce by customers use Pipe17 to connect their web stores to their ERPs, 3PL systems, and inventory management systems in such a way that orders flow seamlessly from one stage to another.

Pipe17 allows ecommerce businesses to:

  • Integrates multiple areas of the business without the need for IT
  • Route orders to different fulfillment centers based on established business logic
  • Manage inventory across all channels
  • Automate returns and exchanges

Businesses that use Pipe17 praise its ability to manage orders across different business functions and programs, and how it streamlines the fulfillment pipeline. They also find it easy to use and set up, with support teams that provide great technical assistance. To find out more about the Pipe17 integration with our platform, check out this page.

QuickBooks Integration, QuickBooks Homepage, App Add-Ons

Accounting: QuickBooks Online

Free Trial: 30 days
Pricing: Starting plan: $9/mo; Highest plan: $60/mo

QuickBooks is quite possibly the most common accounting software in the entire world, and its shift to the cloud has only made it more widespread. It covers all the essential accounting functions you would expect, from invoicing to expenses and to income & expenses. The lowest tier only covers the most basic of accounting functions, but that is often enough for most online entrepreneurs.

However, QuickBooks Online can still cover some advanced needs through functionalities unlocked at the highest tier, like:

  • Managing bills & payments
  • Creating and managing budgets
  • Multi-currency support
  • Inventory tracking
  • Batch invoicing

Most importantly to AmeriCommerce by users, QuickBooks Online can integrate directly with your store. It syncs Orders, Inventory, Customers, TaxItems, Handling Costs, and more. Best of all, we offer unlimited orders for QuickBooks Online via our native integration. Most other apps that integrate with QBO charge per usage, but AmeriCommerce by only charges a flat rate of only $19/mo (hundreds of dollars per month less than our competition!). You can learn more about the QuickBooks Online integration with AmeriCommerce by at this link.

PayPal, Integrations, PayPal Integration

Express checkout: PayPal

Free Trial: No
Pricing: Fee-based

It’s difficult to run an online business and not use PayPal, arguably the largest payment gateway in the world. Covering over 200 countries and supporting just as many currencies, PayPal has become a standard requirement for most ecommerce operators. As both a payment processor and a digital wallet, PayPal offers flexibility to merchants and consumers alike including Venmo and Pay In 4 installment capabilities.

Among PayPal’s most prominent business-oriented features are:

  • Payment gateway that allows multiple payment options
  • Payment scheduling
  • Payment tracking
  • Online invoicing
  • Customer portal

As one of the oldest and largest payment gateways in the world, PayPal has plenty of advocates and critics, each focusing on different aspects of their service. However, one cannot deny that PayPal works, and works reliably.

Final note about recommendations

As you read through the list, you may have noticed that some of the apps can overlap in terms of capabilities (e.g. order processing). And that’s ok. You’re not supposed to integrate with all of the apps in this list. You’re supposed to try each of them out and see which one best fits into your desired tech stack.

Don’t expect to find the perfect one on the first try. It may involve trying out a few pieces (or even swapping out other apps) before you finally end up with that works best for your business. If you have any questions about our app add-ons and integrations or would like to have your own software integrated with our solution, then please make sure to contact us.