INFOGRAPHIC: The Buccaneer's Guide To Pinterest For Business

We all know that social media can play a huge role in the world of e-commerce. But, while businesses rush towards Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, we could all be missing out on the most valuable platform of all.

In our latest infographic we state the case for Pinterest, and explain why a presence on this often-overlooked platform is a real no-brainer!

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  • 70 million – the number of active users on Pinterest
  • 80% of users are female.
  • 93% of users have shopped online in the last 6 months.
  • According to a Gigya study, Pinterest (41%) beats out Facebook (37%) in Ecommerce traffic.
  • Shoppers coming through Pinterest also spend twice as much. Pinterest has the highest average order value out of all social networks:
    $140-180 – Pinterest
    $80 – Facebook
    $60 – Twitter
  • Marketing and analytics solution provider Piqora claimed its customers experienced a 67% increase in Ecommerce revenue from Pinterest referral traffic between January and June 2014.
  • They also reported a growth in website visits (+172%) and page-views-per-Pin (+304%.)
  • Pinterest generates 4 times more revenue (per click) than Twitter and 27% more per click than Facebook.
  • 47% of U.S. Online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest.
  • 38% of users made a purchase because they saw it on Pinterest (as opposed to 21% in 2010.)
  • 69% of online consumers who visit Pinterest have found an item they've purchased, or will purchase, compared to 40% of those who visit Facebook.
  • 66% of Pinterest users regularly follow and re-Pin retailers – only 17% of Facebook users said that they rely on Facebook for purchasing inspiration.
  • Conversion rates for Pinterest traffic are 50% higher than conversion rates from other traffic – and Pinterest is the top converting social media site for 'Top of the Funnel' advertising.
  • U.S. Consumers who use Pinterest follow an average of 9.3 retailers on the site (a higher average than Facebook users).
  • On average, one Pin generates:

    • 2 website visits
    • 6 webpage views
    • 78 cents in sale

  • 43% of Pinterest users like to associate with brands, as opposed to 24% on Facebook.