Google Update "Mobilegeddon" Arrives April 21st


So “Mobilegeddon”, as its being called, is near.

As of April 21st 2015 Google will use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. For AmeriCommerce customers, this will only impact you if you have not yet embraced a mobile-friendly site design.

To be “mobile friendly” means:

Googlebot is allowed to crawl CSS & JavaScript to pass the Mobile-Friendly Test.

As described in the February 26th announcement by Google, their algorithms need to be updated to reflect the usage patterns of mobile users. As clarified on Search Engine Land’s FAQ update on this topic, this will impact only mobile searchers and give a ranking boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results only.

This only impacts mobile search rather than tablet’s or desktop search.

The Bad News:

If your ecommerce site doesn’t pass the Mobile-Friendly Test, then your search rankings will be negatively affected so make sure you take this change seriously.

The Good News:

If you want to update your site to a mobile friendly theme that as fully responsive, you’ll find both free theme and paid themes available in the AmeriCommerce Theme Store. Or if you want to build your own custom AmeriCommerce theme and make it responsive, you can do that as well – simply follow Google’s Mobile SEO best practices when you build your own theme.  Pro-tip: Build your custom ecommerce theme on Base, the responsive theme for developers/designers building custom AmeriCommerce sites.

If you are an AmeriCommerce client, and you are not already updated to a responsive theme, you can call our Sales team at
to find out how to rollover your store.